
  • WECC has released the Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy: Planning Reserve Margin Analysis. This report provides supplemental information related to demand at risk hour frequency and magnitude with different Planning Reserve Margin assumptions for the Western Interconnection as a whole and at a subregional level. 

  • WECC has collaborated with Elevate Energy Consulting on an Assessment of Large Load Interconnection Risks in the Western Interconnection. This report is intended to help educate policymakers about the exponential growth of large loads and highlight the challenges and risks to reliability that are driven by the interconnection of these facilities, which include data centers, cryptocurrency mining operations, large industrial manufacturing facilities, aggregate transportation electrification, and more. Go here to learn about this emerging issue.


  • WECC has provided the 2024 Q4 Statutory Statement of Activities and Variance Report to NERC. If you have questions, please contact Adam Jensen.

  • To meet the skyrocketing demand growth tied to data centers and AI, an unprecedented amount of new generation is planned in the West over the next decade. Are these plans attainable? Find out more in WECC’s Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy

  • WECC has released the 2024 Western Assessment of Resource Adequacy. This annual report evaluates resource adequacy risk over the next 10 years. This year’s report reveals a sharp rise in large loads, creating the need for unprecedented resource additions. This presents an incredible challenge to the West. Explore more here.
